Plato: Phaedo - Summary and Analysis ▶4:35・
Plot Summary Of Phaedo By Plato. - The Philosophy Of Plato's Phaedo (Full Summary) ▶11:46・
Plot Summary Of Phaedo By Plato. - The Philosophy Of Plato's Phaedo (Full Summary) ▶18:42・
PLATO'S PHAEDO: Socrates Death Explained | Ancient Greek Philosophy ▶49:04・
PLATO'S PHAEDO: Socrates Death Explained | Ancient Greek Philosophy ▶3:03:26・
4. Introduction to Plato's Phaedo; Arguments for the existence of the soul, Part II ▶2:46:21・
4. Introduction to Plato's Phaedo; Arguments for the existence of the soul, Part II ▶20:21・
Phaedo Audiobook by Plato | Audiobooks Youtube Free | Plato Audiobooks ▶0:57・
Phaedo Audiobook by Plato | Audiobooks Youtube Free | Plato Audiobooks ▶2:59:44・
Plato | Phaedo - Full audiobook with accompanying text (AudioEbook) ▶9:05・
Plato, Phaedo | Is The Soul A Harmony? Arguments For and Against | Philosophy Core Concepts ▶5:35・
Plato, Phaedo | Is The Soul A Harmony? Arguments For and Against | Philosophy Core Concepts ▶1:06:56・
Top 5 Life Lessons: Phaedo by Plato ▶11:13・
Phaedo by Plato | Audiobook with Text ▶17:16・
The Last Days of Socrates by Plato | Animated Summary Part 4 - Phaedo ▶53:54・
Beyond Death: Plato's Phaedo & Socrates' Final Hours | Immortality Explored ▶6:01・
Beyond Death: Plato's Phaedo & Socrates' Final Hours | Immortality Explored ▶1:58:14・
Plato's dialogue, the Phaedo (part 2) - Introduction to Philosophy ▶30:08・
Plato, Phaedo | Recollection and the Forms | Philosophy Core Concepts ▶1:54:47・
Phaedo by Plato - Part 1 of 8 ▶3:13・
Plato's dialogue, the Phaedo (part 1) - Introduction to Philosophy ▶3:06:23・
Plot Summary Of Phaedrus By Plato. - Summary Of Phaedrus By Plato. ▶8:23・
Plot Summary Of Phaedrus By Plato. - Summary Of Phaedrus By Plato. ▶0:09・
PHEDO遛哲學 *08 當代藝術裡的身體性以及其他(主講:劉亞蘭) ▶16:37・
PHEDO遛哲學-現象學系列:胡賽爾(四)[附中文字幕] ▶38:36・
PHEDO遛哲學 *25 德希達的解構思想(主講:紀金慶) ▶13:25・
Сказочные наряды бренда PHAEDO . А так же аутфит новой коллекции JIL SANDER . ▶2:01:29・
Сказочные наряды бренда PHAEDO . А так же аутфит новой коллекции JIL SANDER . ▶30:50・
How to Pronounce phaedo - American English ▶3:04:00・
Phaedo Part One: Platonic Forms and the Soul ▶1:59:45・
Plato | Euthyphro - Full audiobook with accompanying text (AudioEbook) ▶3:19:55・
Plato | Euthyphro - Full audiobook with accompanying text (AudioEbook) ▶13:41・
Phaedo by Plato [4 levels explained] [Flax Golden Tales] English Guru Nepal *Englishgurunepal ▶1:53:40・
Phaedo by Plato [4 levels explained] [Flax Golden Tales] English Guru Nepal *Englishgurunepal ▶1:59:55・
PHEDO遛哲學 *14 生命作為敘事——從鄂蘭的行動理論展開世代生成經驗主講:林淑芬) ▶33:08・
PHEDO遛哲學 *14 生命作為敘事——從鄂蘭的行動理論展開世代生成經驗主講:林淑芬) ▶1:58:48・
Symfuhny ▶26:40・
Phaedo Lecture Part 3: Defense of the Forms, the Death of Socrates ▶34:39・
7. Plato, Part II: Arguments for the immortality of the soul ▶30:46・
8. Plato, Part III: Arguments for the immortality of the soul (cont.) ▶20:03・
April First Friday Lecture: Three Modes of Persuasion in Plato's Phaedo ▶33:37・
April First Friday Lecture: Three Modes of Persuasion in Plato's Phaedo ▶31:53・
Phaedo by PLATO read by Bob Neufeld | Full Audio Book ▶15:08・
PHEDO遛哲學 *07 柏拉圖理想城邦2 0(主講:何畫瑰) ▶13:12・
Phaedo by Plato ▶2:02:05・
Plato's Phaedo, Part 2 (R.Hammerud) ▶1:48:28・
PHEDO遛哲學 *35 梅洛龐蒂:《眼與心》(主講:紀金慶) ▶1:58:39・
PHEDO遛哲學*03 歧視言論的概念分析與刻板印象的心理學(主講:朱家安) ▶2:13:09・
PHEDO遛哲學*03 歧視言論的概念分析與刻板印象的心理學(主講:朱家安) ▶1:58:30・
The Phaedo ▶2:01:37・
PHEDO遛哲學 *31 德意志觀念論中的黑格爾哲學(主講:王鍾山) ▶1:53:20・
PHEDO遛哲學-現象學系列:胡賽爾(三)[附中文字幕] ▶1:59:41・
PHEDO《哲學時間點》*3 公共的世界與私有的世界 ▶1:59:41・
PHEDO遛哲學-現象學系列:海德格(一)[附中文字幕] ▶1:29・
PHEDO遛哲學-現象學系列:胡賽爾(一)[附中文字幕] ▶28:42・
PHEDO《哲學時間點》*2「 妳/你有的,真的是妳/你有的嗎?」 ▶3:48・
PHEDO遛哲學-現象學系列:胡賽爾(二)[附中文字幕] ▶31:54・
The Phaedo and True Philosophy ▶2:02:24・
The Phaedo and Socrates describing Reincarnation ▶30:08・
Phaedo, Part 3 (R. Hammerud) ▶3:06:36・
Special report: Paedophile hunters track down suspects ▶3:03:55・
PHEDO遛哲學 *37 尼采的權力意志(主講:劉滄龍) ▶26:40・
PHEDO遛哲学 *18 谈谈什么是心智哲学 (主讲:严如玉) ▶43:30・
PHEDO遛哲學 *24 猶太性與班雅明的救贖批評 (主講:蔡翔任) ▶7:45・
Phaedo and Socrates' Philosophy Episode 76 : The Second Level of Philosophical Learning! ▶20:48・
Phaedo and Socrates' Philosophy Episode 76 : The Second Level of Philosophical Learning! ▶3:31・
PHEDO遛哲學 *12 是朋友還是粉絲?個人品牌經營的莊學反思(主講:林怡妏) ▶20:03・
PHEDO遛哲學 *12 是朋友還是粉絲?個人品牌經營的莊學反思(主講:林怡妏) ▶1:44:12・
PHEDO遛哲學 *22 卡繆《異鄉人》的解讀與誤讀 主講:黃雅嫺) ▶1:47:11・
PHEDO遛哲学*20 本雅明与机器复制时代的艺术作品(主讲:纪金庆) ▶2:49・
PHEDO遛哲學 *50 六祖壇經:理解禪宗思想最核心的經典(主講:紀金慶) ▶46:16・
PHEDO遛哲學 *50 六祖壇經:理解禪宗思想最核心的經典(主講:紀金慶) ▶39:17・
【PHEDO】都知道最强法海,你又知道他的师傅有多强吗? ▶5:46・
Gunboat 66 PHAEDO - Les Voiles de St Barth 2018 - by Ocean Images ▶24:23・
PHEDO遛哲学-现象学系列:海德格尔(四) ▶1:06:13・
Phaedo ▶3:11・
PHEDO遛哲学-现象学系列:胡塞尔(二) ▶44:26・
PHEDO遛哲学 *06 海德格谈艺术经验中的真理(主讲:纪金庆) ▶1:16:21・
PHEDO遛哲学-现象学系列:胡塞尔(四) ▶10:11・
Phaedo and Socrates' Philosophy Episode 72 : Super Ultimate Mega Question Dynamite! ▶3:47・
Phaedo and Socrates' Philosophy Episode 72 : Super Ultimate Mega Question Dynamite! ▶3:38・
Phaedo by Plato ▶33:19・
PHEDO遛哲学-现象学系列:胡塞尔(三) ▶3:44・
How Does Plato Argue for the Immortality of the Soul? ▶4:43・
PHEDO遛哲学-现象学系列:纪老师杀青感言 ▶0:15・
PHEDO遛哲学-现象学系列:梅洛庞蒂(一) ▶4:55・
Francois phedo (@phedo26)’s videos with son original - Francois phedo ▶3:44・
Francois phedo (@phedo26)’s videos with son original - Francois phedo ▶3:38・
PHEDO遛哲学 - 现象学 系列 ▶3:09・
Phaedo and Socrates' Philosophy Episode 18 : A Special Pattern Emerges of this Podcast so far! ▶34:28・
Phaedo and Socrates' Philosophy Episode 18 : A Special Pattern Emerges of this Podcast so far! ▶34:13・
Phedo遛哲学*28 进步的幻影?阿多诺对启蒙的批判(主讲:陈孟熙) ▶1:09・
How I made ATTACK ON TITAN in live action using only BLENDER ▶3:04・
[PHEDO遛哲学]我们只是脑傀儡吗?(主讲:杜嘉玲) ▶20:03・
PHEDO遛哲学-现象学系列:海德格尔(三) ▶0:05・
Republic1,6,7 and phaedo. ▶3:00・
PHEDO遛哲学-现象学系列:海德格尔(五) ▶1:01・
Plato | Apology - Full audiobook with accompanying text (AudioEbook) ▶3:21・
Plato | Apology - Full audiobook with accompanying text (AudioEbook) ▶14:58・
Francois phedo (@phedo26)’s videos with son original - Francois phedo ▶・
Francois phedo (@phedo26)’s videos with son original - Francois phedo ▶・
PHEDO遛哲学:应无所住而生其心:谈《金刚经》的行动哲学(主讲:纪金庆) ▶・
PHEDO遛哲学:应无所住而生其心:谈《金刚经》的行动哲学(主讲:纪金庆) ▶・
Plato's Phaedo (58) ▶・
Phaedo | Plato's dialogues summarized ▶・
Je vous invite a me suivre sur mes pages IG: francois.phedo Et YOUTUBE: Phedo26 ▶・
Je vous invite a me suivre sur mes pages IG: francois.phedo Et YOUTUBE: Phedo26 ▶・
Même à 70 ans, appliquez-le sur les rides et ayez un visage de porcelaine ▶・
Même à 70 ans, appliquez-le sur les rides et ayez un visage de porcelaine ▶・
PHEDO《哲學時間點》*1「 戀.物.癖」 ▶・
Francois phedo (@phedo26)’s videos with son original - Francois phedo ▶・
Francois phedo (@phedo26)’s videos with son original - Francois phedo ▶・
Francois phedo (@phedo26)’s videos with son original - Francois phedo ▶・
Francois phedo (@phedo26)’s videos with son original - Francois phedo ▶・
Francois phedo (@phedo26)’s videos with son original - Francois phedo ▶・
Francois phedo (@phedo26)’s videos with son original - Francois phedo ▶・
Francois phedo (@phedo26)’s videos with son original - Francois phedo ▶・
Francois phedo (@phedo26)’s videos with son original - Francois phedo ▶・
Francois phedo (@phedo26)’s videos with son original - Francois phedo ▶・
Francois phedo (@phedo26)’s videos with son original - Francois phedo ▶・
Francois phedo (@phedo26)’s videos with son original - Francois phedo ▶・
Francois phedo (@phedo26)’s videos with son original - Francois phedo ▶・
Francois phedo (@phedo26)’s videos with son original - Francois phedo ▶・
Francois phedo (@phedo26)’s videos with son original - Francois phedo ▶・
PHEDO遛哲学-现象学系列:海德格尔(二) ▶・
PHEDO遛哲学-现象学系列:梅洛庞蒂(三) ▶・
Abonnez-vous ▶・
Francois phedo (@phedo26)’s videos with son original - Francois phedo ▶・
Francois phedo (@phedo26)’s videos with son original - Francois phedo ▶・
PHEDO遛哲学-现象学系列:胡塞尔(一) ▶・
Phedo Turf | Phedo Turf ▶・
La boisson africaine que tout homme devrait préparer ▶・
Socratic Stroll 64: Are we our bodies? ▶・
Five Great Quotes about Socrates, The Monstrous Sage of the Athenians ▶・
Five Great Quotes about Socrates, The Monstrous Sage of the Athenians ▶・
Phaedo ▶ >>次へNext
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